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Purpose: This particular type of poster aims to provide a review of the relevant literature regarding strategies for addressing the communication needs of nonverbal stroke patients. The objective was to organize data from primary investigations and literature reviews to determine the strategies utilized by healthcare professionals to enhance communication as well as patient outcomes for the mentioned category of patients.

Residual communication disorders are rather prevalent following stroke, the most common of which is aphasia which compromises the clients’ ability to communicate their needs and participate in health-related decision-making. Successful communication techniques play an important role in the nursing and rehabilitation context to guarantee that patients with such conditions deserve to be properly cared for. This literature review discusses a variety of research papers to understand how healthcare professionals facilitate communication inward stroke patients, with a focus on the technologies that support patient-centered and interprofessional practice.

Some primary research cited in the review includes Fryer (2013), Osei & Mwangi (2013), and Souza & Arcuri (2014). The study by Fryer evaluated participation of the stroke patients in rehabilitation activities focusing on the key practice of effectively communicating with patients with stroke to enhance their participation and improve rehabilitation outcomes. Osei & Mwangi (2013) provided treatment objectives that were targeted towards increasing the efficiency of the communication in nursing care of patients suffering from aphasia with specific emphasis on the importance of using communication aids and ensuring that the nursing personnel are trained and educated in the management of patients with aphasia. In their study, Souza & Arcuri (2014) explored the communication practices of the teams within a nursing setting while caring for stroke patients, focusing on the importance of team collaboration and the use of technologies to meet patients’ communication requirements.

For broader insights, secondary sources such as Bright & Reeves, (2022) and Hemsley & Balandin, (2014) had to be incorporated in the review. Bright & Reeves (2022) performed a meta-synthesis where they highlighted the necessity of genuine empathetic communication in the frame of constructing a beneficial patient-practitioner relation that is valuable for improving the satisfaction level and adherence to treatment schedule in case of stroke patients with communication difficulties. According to Hemsley & Balandin’s (2010) systematic review, this group of patients experiences several obstacles in hospitals, which would require the training of health professionals and the inclusion of caregivers in the communication process for a positive result.

Thus, the analysis of both primary and secondary sources contributes significantly to the understanding of the diverse nature of communication problems in nonverbal stroke patients. Some of the practical implications of this review entail the adoption of effective communication devices and software technologies for disabled people to gain independence in communication, and the design of patient-centered communication educational programs for health care providers. Future research directions are to identify other ways to improve the effectiveness of communication among stroke-associated nonverbal patients and develop technologies that can help enhance the quality of care for such individuals. This review advances the knowledge concerning personalized communication approaches regarding communication-disabled stroke patients in the nursing and rehabilitation contexts. This poster offers key recommendations for practicing healthcare professionals as well as outlining areas for future investigation to ensure the best possible care is provided to nonverbal stroke patients.


Bright, F. A. S., & Reeves, B. (2022). Creating therapeutic relationships through communication: a qualitative metasynthesis from the perspectives of people with communication impairment after stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(12), 2670-2682.

Fryer, K. (2013). The Meaning and Experience of Participation in Stroke Survivors (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield).

Hemsley, B., & Balandin, S. (2014). A metasynthesis of patient-provider communication in hospital for patients with severe communication disabilities: informing new translational research. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 30(4), 329-343.

Osei, A., & Mwangi, L. (2013). Promoting Aphasia Patients’ Communication in Nursing Care (Bachelor’s Thesis, Laura University of Applied Sciences).

Souza, R. C. S., & Arcuri, E. A. M. (2014). Communication Strategies of the Nursing Team in the Aphasia after Cerebrovascular Accident (Master’s Thesis, Guarulhos University).

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