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answer questions given in the pdf Potato Reaction Rates Virtual Lab Objectives:● Observe the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide toxin by potato’s

answer questions given in the pdf 

Potato Reaction Rates Virtual Lab

● Observe the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide toxin by potato’s enzyme catalase.
● Determine if temperature and pH affect enzyme effectiveness.

Background Information: Some plants such as potato and spinach have very high levels of catalase, an
enzyme that works on hydrogen peroxide to yield water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic
chemical that is produced in many organisms during metabolism. Organisms must get rid of this toxin
to survive. Catalase can be found in most tissues of the body, along with plant material such as

Potato Reaction Rates Lab

● Observe the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide toxin by potato’s enzyme catalase.
● Determine if temperature, particle size, and pH affect enzyme effectiveness.

Background Information: Some plants such as potato and spinach have very high levels of catalase, an
enzyme that works on hydrogen peroxide to yield water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a toxic
chemical that is produced in many organisms during metabolism. Organisms must get rid of this toxin
to survive. Catalase can be found in most tissues of the body, along with plant material such as

Watch the following video clips, complete the table, then write a summary about how different

variables can affect reaction rates. Use a different color to record your answers.

temperature –

pH test –

particle size –


Test Tube Observations or Predictions

Room temperature

Hot temperature

Cold temperature

Acid (pH 1-6.9)

Base (pH 7.1-14)

Neutral (pH 7.0)

Large particles (less surface area)

Small particles (more surface area)

Summarize the different circumstances in which reaction rates can change. Be specific about
what causes an increase or decrease in reaction rates (please underline your answer and type in
a different color!

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