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 CasesJ.J is a nurse


J.J is a nurse practitioner who works in a primary care facility. He believes that one of the most important aspects of his work is to foster a therapeutic relationship with his clients. He is using effective communication techniques.

Many of his clients have altered sensory perception such as blindness and deafness. Because of these conditions, He has to be extremely patient with his clients. J.J. also finds that the use of respect and humor help him bond more readily with his clients.

Questions for the case

For better results with his clients, J.J must secure trust with his patients. Discuss strategies that promote trust between patients and health care providers.

Read the case study above and answer its respective question(s). And then, compose the items below for your case:

Moral distress is a frequent situation where health care providers should face. Please define and articulate a personal experience where you have faced Moral distress in your practice.

Explain how health promotion relates to morality.

Describe your insights about your own communication strengths and weaknesses. Identify situations in which it may be difficult for you to establish or terminate a therapeutic relationship.

Submission Instructions:

· The paper is to be formatted per current APA, be clear, concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

· The paper is to be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

· Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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