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Detail of how paper should beTitle for this paper will be “Managing Healthcare Bullying in the workplace”· APA format

Detail of how paper should be

Title for this paper will be “Managing Healthcare Bullying in the workplace”

· APA format (including an 

APA title page,body, and reference page
). Please utilize 7th edition of APA format. For information on formatting an APA document, look to the resources from 

APA Style.org

· Must be 1500-1800 words.

· Use a standard, APA

· With the exception of the introduction and conclusion, at least one form of support should be used on each page. Make sure to include APA cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotations. There should be an APA reference in your reference list for each source you use. 

· Utilize integrated short burst quotations. These are five to seven words of a quote woven into the body of your own words.

· Use at least seven current academic sources for support within the body of the Formal Research Assignment. Sources should be obtained from the eLibrary databases.They should consist of scholarly articles published within the last five years. Outside sources such as Google Scholar and the NIH databases may be used as well.

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