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Foodborne Illness [WLOs: X, X] [CLOs: X, X] Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 from the course text, Essentials of

Foodborne Illness [WLOs: X, X] [CLOs: X, X]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11 from the course text, Essentials of Environmental Health (3rd ed), and review the required CDC webpages:

  • Outbreak Updates for International Cruise ShipsLinks to an external site.
  • Vessel Sanitation ProgramLinks to an external site.
  • Advanced Cruise Ship Inspection SearchLinks to an external site.

Have you or a family member ever experienced a foodborne Illness? Before reading this week’s required content, had you realized how extensive the problem of foodborne illness is in this country? Were you aware of the unique vulnerability that closed environments (for example, those found on cruise ships) have for foodborne illness?

In your initial post, address the following:

Part 1

Review the CDC Outbreak updates page and look at some of the recent cruise ship outbreaksLinks to an external site.http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/surv/gilist.htm between 2015 and 2020. Choose one that is interesting to you based on the cruise line or causative agent. Do not choose the same vessel as your classmates. 

In the text of your initial post,

  • Indicate the virus that caused the outbreak (“unknown” is not an option) and common symptoms and treatments for the virus.
  • Distinguish the cruise line and cruise ship it occurred on.
  • Express the raw number and percentage of passengers and crew impacted by the outbreak.

Part 2 of your initial post

  • Review the CDC’s Advanced Cruise Ship Inspection Search site for the specific ship and year noted in Part I.
  • Highlight two health violations that were identified that could have led to the outbreak.
  • Compose a strategy that would address the health violations noted and ways to mitigate them in the future. The CDC’s Vessel Sanitation Program site will be of assistance here if unfamiliar.

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