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I need help responding to the attached peer posts. SOC110_4002 SOCIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY

I need help responding to the attached peer posts.




Lesson 13 Discussion

QUESTION: How does remarriage impact a family?  How are the day-to-day events affected by this change?

Jocelyn Rogers

(150 WORDS)

Remarriage can have significant impacts on a family, affecting various aspects of family dynamics, relationships, and day-to-day events.

Remarriage often involves the blending of two families, each with its own history, traditions, and dynamics. This can lead to the formation of a stepfamily, where children from previous relationships may need to adjust to living with new stepparents and stepsiblings. The reconfiguration of family structure can bring both opportunities for growth and challenges as family members navigate their new roles and relationships. With remarriage comes the integration of new family members, which can lead to changes in roles and responsibilities within the household. Stepparents may take on parental roles, contributing to caregiving, discipline, and decision-making. Similarly, stepsiblings may need to negotiate their roles within the family, potentially leading to conflicts or adjustments in expectations.

Remarriage can evoke a range of emotions for family members, including excitement, anxiety, and apprehension. Children may experience feelings of loyalty conflicts or insecurity as they adapt to changes in family dynamics. Likewise, adults may grapple with balancing their new partnership with their obligations to their children from previous relationships. Open communication and emotional support are crucial for helping family members navigate these transitions. Remarriage can have financial implications for the family, particularly if there are children from previous relationships involved. Discussions around financial planning, budgeting, and inheritance may arise, requiring open and honest communication between spouses and family members. Financial stability and security can influence day-to-day events and decisions within the family.

Remarriage provides an opportunity for the creation of new family traditions and rituals. Whether it’s celebrating holidays, birthdays, or special occasions, blending families can bring together diverse cultural practices and values. Establishing shared traditions can foster a sense of belonging and unity among family members, contributing to the cohesion of the remarried family.

In terms of day-to-day events, remarriage may impact routine activities such as mealtimes, household chores, and leisure pursuits. Family members may need to negotiate schedules and routines to accommodate the needs and preferences of all members. Communication, flexibility, and compromise are essential for navigating the day-to-day events of family life in the context of remarriage. Overall, remarriage can bring both opportunities and challenges for families, influencing their dynamics, relationships, and day-to-day experiences. With patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt, remarried families can navigate these changes successfully and foster a supportive and harmonious family environment.

Corina Shook

(150 WORDS)

Remarriage can impact families in many ways, especially when there are assets or children from the previous marriage.  Adjusting to a new situation with a new step parent or with step children is extremely difficult and while some families adapt quickly and with few problems, some of the marriage issues are problems of economical concern, especially if a parent is paying child support and now has an entirely new family to help provide support for.  There are often issues between new step parents and the birth parent, not just the one they married, who may not agree with the step parent’s ideas on raising children, but also with the birth parent not living in the home who may be upset about how their children are being treated, and often jealousy and anger can be a big part of that. There are cases where a parent feels the step parent is treating their own children better than the step child(ren) and this can cause much discord. Some of the daily aspects can be minor things, such as agreeing on what sort of food should be eaten in the home, who should be doing which chores, how to handle dealing with the ex-spouse, arguments when children refuse to listen to the new parent {the typical, “you’re not my mom/dad”) and this ,can cause strain on everyone, making an adjustment to the new life very difficult and in some cases can lead to another separation or divorce.  The more children mixed into a relationship, may possibly cause many issues as well, so there may be step children for both newly married parents, and as these children go from house to house, rules can change, it can be confusing and stressful and now suddenly they have new siblings which they are supposed to get along with, but they may not like them at all. Even holidays and special days such as birthdays have to be shared and this makes it difficult for everyone involved.


Hammond, R., Cheney, P., & Pearsey, R. (2015). 
Sociology of the family : 01 changes and definitions. Freesociologybooks.com.

Lesson 14 Discussion 1

QUESTION: Who do you think should take care of the elderly once they can no longer care for themselves?  Should families be responsible for their elderly members?

Jocelyn Rogers

(150 WORDS)

The question of who should take care of the elderly once they can no longer care for themselves is complex and multifaceted, with considerations ranging from cultural norms to socioeconomic factors. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, I believe that families should play a significant role in caring for their elderly members whenever possible.

Families have historically been the primary source of support for the elderly in many cultures around the world. This is rooted in traditions of intergenerational caregiving and the value placed on familial bonds and reciprocity. Family members often have intimate knowledge of their elderly loved ones’ preferences, needs, and medical history, which can inform their care in a more personalized and compassionate manner. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all families have the resources or capacity to provide full-time care for their elderly members. Factors such as financial constraints, geographic distance, and competing caregiving responsibilities can pose significant challenges to family-based care arrangements. In such cases, alternative care options, such as assisted living facilities or professional home care services, may be necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the elderly individual.

Additionally, society as a whole has a responsibility to support aging populations and ensure that they receive adequate care and support. This includes implementing policies and programs that provide financial assistance, healthcare services, and social support for the elderly and their caregivers. Governments, community organizations, and healthcare institutions all have roles to play in creating an age-friendly environment and promoting the dignity and autonomy of older adults. Ultimately, the question of who should take care of the elderly is not just a matter of individual or familial responsibility but also a collective societal concern. By fostering a culture of respect for older adults, promoting family cohesion and support networks, and investing in comprehensive healthcare and social services, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society where all individuals, regardless of age, can age with dignity and receive the care they deserve.

Corina Shook

(150 WORDS)

The problem of elder care is becoming bigger than ever before, because older people are living much longer and with the cost of living steadily increasing, especially if the person requires consistent care, either for physical ailments, or mental ones, elderly people are struggling.  At one point most elders had paid off their homes, saved money for retirement, and were able to also draw Social Security funds. Today, this is harder to do, because many people who are near retirement age are still paying a mortgage, have little retirement funds to spare because their living costs are so high.  These people can no live on their own as long as they once did. In a perfect world, families should be responsible for their elders.  But how does a family make room for aging parents in an already financially over stressed household?  They might save money on child care, but what about room?  What if both families end up needing to support an elder parent(s)?  Many families put their elderly family members in “homes”, but the thought of this depresses me because I have heard horrible stories from many people about their family members who have experienced abuse, and mostly, neglect. It is very frightening to me because I do not want to be a burden on my own children, but how will they afford care for me unless I live with them?  What if I get dementia?  I cannot help them in any way if that were to happen.  Yet being placed in a elder care facility does not seem pleasant.  I think our society has a lot of work to do to figure out a way to assist people because as the years go by, the number of elders who need assistance and care is only going to increase.

Lesson 14 Discussion 2

QUESTION: What factors have impacted the ability of humans to live longer lives?  Do you feel these factors should exist?

Corina Shook

(150 WORDS)

Some of the main reasons people are living longer these days is the amount of health care that people receive has increased, as has the knowledge of medical professionals.  Over the years, we have learned better ways to care for ourselves, and societies are working harder to protect people so that more people live longer (such as requiring seat belts and airbags in cars). People are just not going to die as much at earlier ages as in the past. People also are able to begin caring for health problems at a much earlier age because they are able to seek medical care and are much more likely to receive that care.  There are medicines that help people live much longer. I believe overall, people do not work as hard as they once did, and are not working in dangerous situations, such as factories where the conditions are bad, or in coal mines without proper protection for their lungs. Even something as innocuous as the ability to call for emergency help such as 911, allows people to have more of a chance to live longer. Because we all have this amazing ability to have better care for ourselves, we will live longer than ever before. I believe that these factors should stay in place.  How can we take away all that we have worked towards and built up to improve society?  We even send food and medical care to other countries to help people there live healthier and longer lives.  It would be wrong not to.  

Anistyn Steiner

(150 WORDS)

Hello everyone,

Many things have helped people live longer. Better healthcare, like improved treatments and vaccines are a big reason. Also, having clean water, good sanitation, and healthy food has helped. These things have lowered the chances of getting sick and made people healthier overall, so they can live longer. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as regular exercise, balanced diets, and reduced smoking rates have positively influenced life expectancy. Education and awareness about health risks have empowered people to make healthier life choices, which also extends life expectancy. These factors should absolutely exist as they contribute to better quality of life and enable people to enjoy more years with their loved ones. However, discrepancies in access to healthcare and resources remain a challenge. Addressing these discrepancies is important to ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to benefit from factors that promote living longer. Overall, the factors that impact living longer are advancements in healthcare and public health. These have led to longer and healthier lives for many people. It’s important that we continue to prioritize these factors while striving for fairness in access to healthcare and resources to help us live longer. 




Discussion 13

QUESTION: How would you evaluate social work practices?  What tools could you use, and do you measure the outcomes?

Vanessa Navarro

(150 words)

The initial stage of the evaluation process involves conducting a needs assessment. The process entails collecting data on the client’s abilities, requirements, difficulties, objectives, and assets. The second phase is result evaluation, which entails utilizing quantitative and qualitative data to determine if the services have successfully achieved the intended outcome. Assessing the effectiveness of a client intervention is crucial in determining whether a social program is achieving the expected outcomes. This evaluation enables us to identify the need for strategic adjustments when the intervention fails to produce the intended impact. Process Evaluation is the third stage that assesses the execution of the service or program, encompassing different methods of delivery. Finally, I would incorporate cost-effectiveness into my evaluation. This study conducts a cost-effectiveness analysis to compare the expenses and results of several interventions in order to identify the intervention that offers the most favorable outcome relative to its cost. Various tools, such as Culturagrams, can be utilized in the evaluation process. These are visual aids that facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the client relationships and circumstances. An additional tool that can be utilized is Ecomaps. These diagrams depict the social and personal relationships of an individual or family in a visual format. The effectiveness and efficiency of social work techniques can be assessed to measure their outcomes. This entails assessing and appraising the advancement achieved through the executed strategy. Consider the following questions: Have you successfully attained the desired outcomes? Has it had a good impact on the lives of your clients?

Stefanie Reep

(150 words)

To evaluate social work practices you can follow these six steps,

1. engage stakeholders- You need to know who is interested in your results

2. describe program design- you tell as many details about your program as possible, this includes goals, purpose, the mission, and time (how often) 

3. focus evaluation design- There are many different types of design you can use. formative, outcome effectiveness and impact evaluation are a few. 

4. gather credible evidence- This is collecting data. What kind, How, did it measure goals, use pre and past assessments 

5. justify conclusions- did you meet the goal, did it work or not, and compare with expectations

6. use and share lessons learned- what did you learn, how can you improve for the future, where to cut costs, what were the costs  and identify needs

Tools used 

1. needs assessment (surveys, census records, financial records) 

2. data analysis (software applications) 

3. logic model (a visual representation of how the program works) 

4. data collection (quantitative or qualitative) 

To measure the outcomes of the program you can use these questions :

1. Specify the evaluation questions being asked

2. Identify what should be measured, for whom, and how often

3. Plan the analysis or comparison to be used

4. Develop and finalize a plan to put those methods into place

5. Conduct the outcome evaluation

6. Analyze the data, interpret the findings, and report your results. (2018)


Process evaluation vs. outcome evaluation. TSNE. (2018, June 14).

Discussion 14

QUESTION: How do services change when working with different populations?  How do you determine treatment and needs of clients?

Vanessa Navarro

(150 words)

 Services can vary substantially when working with diverse groups. It is crucial to comprehend and honor the cultural and linguistic variety of the communities being serviced in order to achieve cultural competency. This entails acknowledging the specific requirements of children and families from diverse cultural backgrounds, who speak multiple languages, and who have limited financial resources. Considerations related to fairness and justice: The method of providing services may have to adjust depending on the requirements, choices, capabilities, or safety concerns of the community. For instance, many services can be delivered remotely, whilst others necessitate face-to-face engagement. Services should be customized to accommodate the specific requirements and inclinations of each client. This entails comprehending the client’s history, articulating their worries, and identifying their intended results. In order to determine the needs and treatments of clients we can use assessments. This entails comprehending the client’s circumstances, indications, and requirements. The conversation entails a discussion between the client and practitioner regarding the requirements of the client in order to enhance their overall state of well-being. Diagnosis is an alternative method for determining the appropriate treatment and requirements. A diagnosis is made based on the assessment, when suitable. Following the evaluation and diagnosis, a comprehensive treatment plan is established to facilitate the client’s recovery, development, and flourishing. The plan must specifically target the existing and potential issues that were identified during the assessment.

Stefanie Reep

(150 words)

Services change in many ways when working with different populations first and foremost, a social worker needs to understand how social, economic, and political factors influence the opportunities, resources, and outcomes of people from different backgrounds in their population. This helps them to identify and address systemic barriers and injustices that affect their clients. Things that may change are policies, laws, and institutions that affect access and quality of services for diverse populations, as well as collaboration with community leaders who represent and empower diverse populations.  Some services or resources may not be available in all populations. Determining the treatment and needs of a client starts with an assessment, during this, you need to engage the client and build a rapport. Next, you gather information about your client. You could include family in this assessment also. Then, identify the problem, this may be hard for the client to identify a a problem.  Once established you and the client work together to set the goal. After the goal is set you and the client and possibly some family members work together to develop a treatment plan that will help the client reach the goal. This could include outside resources like mental health counseling, therapy, or drug and alcohol programs. 

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