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    I need you to complete a presentation on ‘Financial Decision Making.’ Here are the specific requirements:Complete a PowerPoint presentation

    I need you to complete a presentation on ‘Financial Decision Making.’ Here are the specific requirements:

  1. Complete a PowerPoint presentation according to the requirements.
  2. Based on the PowerPoint, prepare a speech of approximately 15-20 minutes.


  1. I have uploaded all the textbooks related to this course. I need you to read the textbooks and complete the assignment.
  2. I have provided the assignment requirements and grading rubric. You must strictly adhere to the assignment requirements and grading rubric to complete the assignment.
  3. I will request unlimited revisions until I am satisfied. If you provide an unsatisfactory assignment or refuse to make revisions, I will request a refund.
  4. If you cannot meet the above requirements, please do not provide a quote.

 The focus of this assignment is on the PowerPoint presentation, with the speech serving as a supplementary component. When submitting the assignment, I will only upload the PowerPoint slides. Therefore, I need to incorporate as much of the content to be conveyed into the slides as possible.    

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