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In an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation, create a plan to motivate four people to leave the hotel’s relative safety to head home. · Approximately 2

In an 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation, create a plan to motivate four people to leave the hotel’s relative safety to head home.

· Approximately 2 slides 
each for Javier, Ibrim, Zoe, and yourself.

· Explain their motivation to leave using an expectancy-value, hedonism, or sensory stimulation approach.

· Relate the motivation theory to specific behaviors.

Note: You can use the same theory for multiple people or can choose different theories.

· Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the theory related to your topic.

· Offer a solution to maintaining performance and motivation once the going gets tough.

· Be sure to support your statements with (and cite) your sources along the way. Counting your title slide and references slide, 
your presentation should be about 8–10 slides in total.


· Commencement is here! You did it! You’re dropped off at the Highend Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. “Welcome to Commencement” signs decorate the lobby and folks in Capella t-shirts with name tags sit behind various information tables. Two harried employees work the check-in desk while fellow graduates and other travelers talk as they stand in line. Outside, thunder rumbles and lightning crashes as Atlanta experiences what is being called “the storm of the century.” Of course, it might just be the fifth “storm of a century” this year. No one seems to be paying much attention to the weather.

· “I can’t believe we’re short-staffed again,” you hear an employee staff member say as they walk past you. “I heard people called in sick to protest the pay cut.”

· You’ve checked into your room at Highend Hotel and unpacked. Commencement activities don’t start until tomorrow, so you have this evening free. Your stomach grumbles and you realize that you haven’t eaten today. You go back to the lobby and look around for a restaurant.

· The sound of a large explosion startles you and then the hotel goes dark. A couple of people scream, and someone bumps into you. Looking out the hotel windows, you can see the whole area has lost power. Even with the storm, there’s enough light coming through the window that you can see the others in the lobby standing around. 


48 hours later…

· Highend Hotel and the surrounding area have been without power for 48 hours. Most Highend employees have left, and the few remaining employees have been at the hotel for the last two days without a break. Due to commencement, all the rooms are full. Much of the food in the kitchen has gone bad, and Highend Hotel is running low on canned foods. Water is available on the main floor, but no water flows to the upper floors. Guests have grown increasingly stressed, and outright physical fights have broken out a few times.


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