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Instructions attached. 1. Choose a pharmacological agent that has been on the market less than 5 years. 2. Research the literature and obtain two

Instructions attached. 

1. Choose a pharmacological agent that has been on the market less than 5 years.

2. Research the literature and obtain two to three resources for current, evidence-based information related to the pharmacological agent.


Develop a teaching brochure and one page paper following these guidelines.

a. Brochure for nurses- Focus on nurses for literacy level

· Key/Relevant Drug Information (30 points/30%)

· Drug Class

· Mechanism of Action

· Drug Administration and Dosage

· Drug Interactions

· Lab effects/interference

· Patient Education Considerations (35 points/35%)

· Nursing Management

· Patient Education Considerations (special considerations)- provide examples specific to client age needs- geriatric, pediatric and pregnant client

· Patient Assessment

· Side Effects/Adverse Effects/Toxicities

· Special considerations- provide examples specific to client age needs- geriatric, pediatric, and pregnant clients

· Visual Effects/Creativity (10 points/10%)

· Developed per the required standard

· Appropriate for the intended audience (focus on nurses for literacy level)

· Graphics enhance the purpose of the brochure

· Brochure is visually appealing

b. One Page Paper (15 points/15%)

· Describes intended use of brochure (focus on nurses for literacy level)

· Includes:

· Name

· Date

· Class

· Reference page

· Describe how brochure information would be revised if intended brochure audience had a low health literacy level.

c. APA Format (5 points/5%)

· Includes no more than 3 unique errors with APA format (current ed.)

· At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided

d. Writing and Mechanics (5 points/5%)

· Clearly written

· Includes no more than three unique errors of grammar

· Includes no more than three unique errors in writing mechanics

· Paper is one page, excluding references and title page

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