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Instructions attachedFind a current investment article that relates to some aspect of client communication, ethics in investments,

Instructions attached

Find a current investment article that relates to some aspect of client communication, ethics in investments, building trust in the client/portfolio relationship, compliance, global economic activity or any investment related topic. 

· This is a two to three page summary (excluding title page and reference page) in APA format of a recent investment related article from the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Barons, Fortune Magazine, cnn.com (business), wallstreetjounal.com, or a like business periodical.

a. Pick an article not more than 4 weeks old about any relevant 



b. Provide complete reference information on the article including title, author/reporter, date, periodical, location in the periodical (page, etc.).
(Must be in APA format.)

c.  Provide a two to three page summary of the article discussing at least 3 major points presented.  

(Must be in APA format.)

d.  You are to relate the article to 3 points from the course.  You need to clearly define how those points relate to the article in your paper.  This assignment is not just summarizing articles.


10 Points for Summary of the Article

10 Points for Each Major Point Discussed (10 *3)

10 Points for Correct APA Formatting

50 Points Total

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