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Instructions for Paper #3**Remember to use information from the readings to support what you say.I decided to remove Reading 31 to conserve time

Instructions for Paper #3

**Remember to use information from the readings to support what you say.

I decided to remove Reading 31 to conserve time, while still asking you to view a related
documentary, Unnatural Causes Part 1: In Sickness and in Wealth: Is inequality making
us sick? (about 55 minutes.) This is free via the PSU Library. The material from the
video will be used in a discussion board (#6) and Quiz #3. I am sure some of you have
watched parts or all of this series. If you have seen this one and can recall enough
specifics to discuss it, then you do not need to watch it again most likely, or you can
watch parts as a refresher. Also, there is a transcript, so if time is short, you can scan


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**Please read from text:

Please read:

PA 236, PA 239, Reading 22, page 242, Reading 23 and PA p. 249, Reading 24, page
251 and PA p. 251, Reading 26, Reading 27, Reading 29 and PA p. 297, Reading 32,
PA p. 312, Reading 33 (you choose between Reading 32 or Reading 33) , Reading 34,
Reading 35, PA p. 337 (optional), Framework Essay III p. 340.

Paragraph #1: (about 75 words) PA 236, PA 239

PA page 236: What is your personal reaction to this account? Can you identify with her
either directly, or through someone you know?

PA page 239: What is your personal reaction to this account?

Paragraph #2: (about 150 words) Reading 22, page 242:

a) In what ways can a racially mixed identity be regarded as empowering or as a form of

b) What do you think Rodriguez means when she says that for Latinos, race is primarily

Paragraph #3 (150 words) Reading 23 and PA p. 249:

a) According to the author, Jelita McLeod, what is the most likely reason for people to
ask about her ethnic origins?

b) Does the author believe that a person can be truly “colorblind”? Explain your answer.

c) PA page 249: What is your personal reaction to this account? Why does Eric Jackson
say he knew what ethnocentrism was when he was ten years old?

Paragraph #4 (150 words) Reading 24, page 251 and PA p. 251:

a) How has the U.S. perspective on Middle Easterners changed?

b) As oil has become more important, why has there been a change in the image of the
Middle East?

c) From this article define selective racialization and its consequences.

d) Regarding the Personal Account on page 258, “Master Status: Pride and Danger”,
briefly explain (two to three sentences) how the author feels both pride and fear related
to being a Muslim.

Paragraph #5 (125 words) Reading 26 :

Discuss how compulsive masculinity goes hand in hand with sexism at the expense of
women, according to the author.

Paragraph #6 (125 words) Reading 27:

According to the author, why do people hesitate to identify as feminists? Do you agree
or do you have different ideas based on your personal experiences? Do you identify as
a feminist? Why or why not?

Paragraph #7 (150 words) Reading 29 and PA p. 297:

(No questions on Reading 28, but I hope you can at least skim it.)

a) Describe how hookups fit well with the self development imperative of college.

b) How does the author report the differences between the less-privileged and
more-privileged women in terms of their attitudes about sexual behavior?

PA page 297: What is your personal reaction to this account?

Paragraph #8 (about 125 words)- choose ONE of the letter “a” options and then all
reflect on “b” as well.

a) Reading 32: What is your opinion of legacy preferences and admissions? Use
content as you discuss.


a) Reading 33: Why do you think the culture of poverty myth has persisted despite
research to the contrary?


b) Personal Account page 312: Briefly reflect on Rose Pascarell’s account.

Paragraph #9: (about 150 words) Reading 34

Reading 34:

a) How does Hockenberry explain why people shun interaction with the disabled?

b) What was the most frequent excuse for New York City cab drivers to refuse to load a
wheelchair into the trunk? What strategies were discussed in the article as a way to deal
with cab drivers?

Paragraph #10: (about 150 words) Reading 35

Reading 35: Why did the author state that she denied her disability? What did others do
to also deny her disability?

Paragraph #11: (about 150 words)

Framework Essay III: Take a look at the outline below and read the essay. Do the best
that you can to articulate your understanding of the essay. Key concepts can be
used as part of your writing, but those will be on the quiz, so try to focus on
synthesizing from the different sections and explaining what you learned from
this essay.

Here is a skeleton outline:

Essay III

One of the key ideas: Marilyn Frye established the metaphor of the “birdcage” to
discuss oppression. To understand oppression, we cannot look at only one obstacle or
“wire”; we must consider the set of wires or the systematic nature of the pressure.
Ideology, economy, policy, law, and popular culture together and in interaction form the
“cage” that people confront.


● -Conveying Ideology
○ Natural-Law Language
○ Stereotypes
○ “Model Minority” Stereotypes and Immigration
○ Whites’ Racial Stereotypes: The Persistence and Disavowal

of Bias

● Social Institutions and the Support of Ideologies

● -Science
● – Popular Culture


-Ideologies confer meaning on difference; they both shape and are shaped by social

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