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Multivariate AnalysisHomework TaskTitle: Multivariate AnalysisDescription: Students will develop an individual task to test hypotheses by

Multivariate Analysis

Homework Task

Title: Multivariate Analysis

Description: Students will develop an individual task to test hypotheses by conducting a multiple
regression analysis of the data that they will gather.

12 Jul. 24


Students will develop an individual task and test research hypotheses in the field of sports
management. To test these hypotheses, they will conduct a multiple regression analysis.
Students are also required to present and interpret the findings. They will also discuss how
these findings provide a significant contribution to the study field. The individual task should
address at least the following points:

1. Three or more hypotheses will be developed.
2. Students will gather data to conduct a multivariate analysis of the study hypotheses.
3. Ethical issues should be reported.
4. Reliability and validity issues will be ensured.
5. Multicollinearity issues will be reported.
6. Multiple regression analysis will be performed in Excel or SPSS.
7. Regression findings will be properly presented by using tables and/or figures.
8. Regression findings will be interpreted.
9. Discussion is required to justify how these regression findings provide a significant
contribution to sports management.

Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:


Other details:
• Font: Arial or Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
• Spacing: Double
• Number of words: No more than 500 words

All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.

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