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No Ai or plagiarism  You can use prezi or Poster Presentation and Peer Review of Poster Presentations: Students will prepare a poster presentation based on

No Ai or plagiarism

 You can use prezi or Poster Presentation and Peer Review of Poster

Presentations: Students will prepare a poster presentation based on their original research conducted for the Resolution Paper. The (36″ × 48″) poster will be placed on public display the evening of the Internship Fair and Reception. The poster must be prepared using the Poster Template Power Point file located in the Forms folder on the course iCollege site under Content & Media, Content. This template is comprised of pre-set sections that MUST be adhered to by all students.

While you are free to adjust the size of the various fields to accommodate your content, you are not permitted to add or delete the fields, nor change the titles of the fields, present in the template. Following the poster’s field structure, it shall contain (at minimum) the student’s name, the organizational challenge (“issue”) selected, including its significance, available solutions to the challenge and an explanation of why the particular resolution was selected including the legal, funding and political aspects that must be addressed. Notation to relevant literature (references used) is required; simply listing the citations in the reference section is not sufficient.

Upon adding content to the Power Point file template, being sure to save the file in .PDE, not.PPT or .PPTX format, each student is required to have the contents printed out in a 36″ x 48″ paper poster.

I also added the resolution essay I will send you the remaining today 

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