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ORG- For this assignment, you will explore conflict management style assessments. Research these online, and complete a conflict management style

ORG- For this assignment, you will explore conflict management style assessments. Research these online, and complete a conflict management style assessment. After completing the assessment, write a reflection paper discussing what the assessment indicated about your conflict management style. Include information about the following topics in your reflection paper:

·        Include an introduction explaining what conflict management style the assessment indicated you have.

·        Does the assessment accurately reflect your conflict management actions?

·        What can you learn from this assessment and use in your current position?

·        What is an area of conflict management you can improve upon, and what impact will it have in your future?

·        Explain how conflict management behaviors relate to coaching.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and include at least three outside sources, one of which should be the online assessment you took. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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