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Please see all attachments below!THE NEWS MEDIA Chapter 6Roles of the Mass Media in Democracy The central idea of democracy is that

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Chapter 6

Roles of the Mass Media in Democracy

The central idea of democracy is that ordinary citizens should control what their government does.

The media can help citizens help themselves

Popular Sovereignty requires an knowledgeable and informed citizenry

Roles of the Media #1

Watchdog over government

Protected by the First Amendment

No prior restraint

High standards for proving libel/slander


Roles of the Media #2

Clarify what electoral choices the public has

What political parties stand for

The qualities/positions of candidates

Problem deciding what is important versus what is interesting


Roles of the Media #3

Present a full and enlightening set of ideas about public policy to the public

Pros and cons about policies that have already been in place

Alternative policy ideas


Is the News Biased?

Professional bias

Journalists tend to be liberal but media tycoons (owners of the mass media) are conservative=> balance

“Biases” in Political News

Nationalism: Pro-America

Ethnocentric point of view in most news reports about foreign affairs

Dependence on U.S. government news sources

 most foreign news coverage supports U.S. foreign policy.

“Biases” in Political News p.2


Free market

Free trade

Anti-welfare type programs

Ex. Socialized medicine

Episodic, Fragmented, Incoherent coverage of political information

“Biases” in Political News p.3

Negativity and Scandal


The massive invasion of entertainment values in political reporting

Sensation and scandal replace stories about domestic policies, foreign policies, international issues, etc.

Affect of the Media on
Public Opinions and Policy

Agenda-setting effects — the topics that get the most coverage in the media are the same ones that most people say are the most important problems

The media’s framing or interpretation of stories affects how people think about political problems.

In other words, not changing opinions as much as telling people what to think about and how to think about it

Affects of the Media

Fueling Cynicism

Attack journalism: serious consideration of the issues or of the behavior of institutions has lost out to regular coverage of personal misbehavior.

Negativity bias=Cynicism

of the Press


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