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please see attachmentplease review the following list of potential problem/situations and choose one for your final assignment, Strategic HR Plan.

please see attachment

please review the following list of potential problem/situations and choose one for your final assignment, Strategic HR Plan. You can write your paper as if you were employed at a Fortune 500 company, a current organization that is in the news, or a past or present employer.

Below is the list of potential problems or situations from which you can select, choose one to research for your final project:

1. Rollout of a change management initiative.

2. Creation and implementation of a new compensation and benefits package.

3. Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals.

4. Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

5. Creation and implementation of a succession plan.

6. Technological changeover from one computer system to a newer computer system (HRIS – include possible conversion problems).

7. Creation and implementation of a revised policy to replace a current policy, which is not working (and lawsuits have resulted from the current, for example – a poorly written disciplinary policy).


Choose your problem/situation from the list above for your strategic HR plan. Include a paragraph or two on the importance of the topic and your rationale for selection

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