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Review the Annotated Bibliography promptLinks to an external site. and the Canvas grading rubric before submitting your Word or PDF file. There are no

Review the Annotated Bibliography promptLinks to an external site. and the Canvas grading rubric before submitting your Word or PDF file. There are no revisions allowed after you turn in your final draft, so please proofread for grammar, spelling, punctuation as well.

All submissions will be processed through Unicheck, an online program that allows students to check their submissions for any unintentional (or intentional) instances of plagiarism.

Late submissions are accepted up to three days after the original due date with a 10% point deduction for each day the submission is late. Students who miss the three day grace period must speak with me if they plan to eventually submit late assignments.

Grading Tiers

  • Tier 1 (23-25 points): Submission exceeds expectations in all criteria
  • Tier 2 (19-22 points): Submission meets or exceeds expectations in most criteria
  • Tier 3 (16-18 points): Submission meets expectations in most criteria or approaches expectations.
    • Tier 4 (15 or fewer points): Submission approaches expectations in most criteria or does not approach expectations in one or more areas.

I have included the review in red from the teacher and blue from peers .

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