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SABER COLLEGE Nurses Overburdened with Non Nursing Tasks Nursing Assignment Help

Choose one of the following questions to answer for this week’s discussion board. Make sure to repost the question you selected at the top of your posting.

Why do you believe professional RNs are still completing so many nonnursing tasks?

How comfortable do you believe most RNs are in the role of delegator to UAP?

  1. Do you believe most RNs feel clarity regarding role differentiation between the RN and the UAP?
  2. Do you believe that patients typically are aware whether it is the UAP or licensed nurse that is caring for them?
  3. A brief introductory paragraph introduces the topic of the discussion. One or more succinct paragraphs are needed to answer each of the discussion board questions. Use current literature (5 years old or less) to support your views. Be sparing in your use of quotes. Learn to paraphrase the information you are sharing from a source. A paragraph at the end gives a brief summary of the discussion. The initial posting for each topic should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not including the references).
  4. Use APA formatting, 12-point type font, double spacing, indenting of each paragraph, and proper spelling and grammar. You do not need a title page or a separate “References” sheet, but a “References” section should be included at the end of your posting if you cite sources

.in another document include a reply of 300 word or more to this learning:

How comfortable do you believe most RNs are in the role of delegator to UAP?

The relationship that exists in healthcare settings between Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP) and Registered Nurses (RNs) has always piqued my interest. The relationship is essential to providing high-quality patient care. Nonetheless, it is a complicated subject that needs careful consideration: how comfortable are most RNs in the role of delegator to UAP? I will go into this topic in this discussion, using my observations and experiences in the healthcare industry as a guide.

First and foremost, it is imperative to acknowledge the complex web of variables that impact Registered Nurses’ (RNs’) degree of comfort when assigning work to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP). The disparity in comfort levels among registered nurses (RNs) stems from a combination of personal experiences and the specific healthcare environment in which they work. RNs commonly find themselves assigning jobs to UAP in the tough world of acute care institutions, which is marked by high patient turnover and heightened acuity levels (Reiner & Bartholomew, 2019). Delegation may get more comfortable as a result of this repetition since it will become second nature to them. Nonetheless, it is common for RNs working in these settings to struggle with a strong sense of accountability for the jobs they are assigned, which can have a big impact on how comfortable they feel overall.

However, in long-term care institutions or outpatient settings, where RNs may establish long-lasting connections with the same UAP over an extended period, the comfort landscape shifts (Crevacore et al., 2023). Delegation comfort and a greater degree of trust can grow in these kinds of settings. Having a solid working relationship and being well-versed in the UAP’s capabilities serve as the foundation for RNs to assign work confidently. Moreover, RNs’ comfort level with the delegation of tasks in these circumstances can be enhanced by the existence of well-defined scopes of practice for UAP, well-structured training programs, and open lines of communication. The sense of cooperation and partnership that develops over time is the foundation of this increased comfort.

The critical need for efficient time management in the context of RN duties is another crucial point to take into account. Among the many tasks that registered nurses perform on a daily basis are prescription administration, charting, patient assessments, and much more. One practical way to reduce UAP’s burden is to assign them wisely appropriate duties, especially in high-stress settings like emergency rooms and critical care units (Campbell et al., 2020). RNs are generally very comfortable assigning duties to UAP in these kinds of situations. They learn that providing comprehensive patient care requires teamwork, which is not an option. The collaboration between RNs and UAP becomes a powerful force that guarantees the effective provision of care and, consequently, supports RNs’ comfort levels when acting as delegators.

However, it is crucial to stress that the policies and culture that exist in an RN’s place of employment have a substantial impact on how comfortable they feel in the role of delegator. Facilities that place a high value on a collaborative culture, continuing education, and a dedication to continuous improvement tend to foster an atmosphere where registered nurses feel more comfortable delegating. Enlisted registered nurses receive the tools, guidance, and evaluation necessary to improve their appointment skills in these stable environments, which ultimately results in higher levels of comfort (Campbell et al., 2020). On the other hand, if an office requires resources and support for the two RNs and UAP, its overall level of comfort with the designated contact is jeopardized. When there’s no support system in place, registered nurses may become more reticent and uneasy as they deal with vulnerability and flaws in the hiring process.

In conclusion, the degree to which registered nurses find satisfaction in their role as delegators to UAP is a complex issue that depends on a number of factors, including the particular medical services context, individual interactions, the notion of the functional relationship, and the support provided by their association. Some RNs may find comfort and competence in delegating, but others may need assistance with accountability and a sense of duty. Creating a consistent work environment that prioritizes advice, cooperation, and official correspondence will eventually assist RNs in feeling more at ease throughout the designation cycle, which will focus on comprehending considerations and outcomes. 

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