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See attached LDR 4303, Team Building and Leadership 1Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be

See attached 

LDR 4303, Team Building and Leadership 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

5. Describe team-building activities leaders can incorporate for better managing internal teams and
interorganizational alliances.

8. Predict major challenges teams will face in the future.

8.1 Explain why the need for teamwork will remain high in the future.
8.2 Describe work activities that will require a team for task completion.

Reading Assignment

Chapter 14: Managing Interorganizational Alliance Teams

Chapter 15: Challenges for Building Effective Teams

Unit Lesson

In this unit, we will discuss how alliances are formed to allow different individuals and companies to merge to
reach greater results. Through this effort, there is a growth in alliances where organizations are depending on
other companies to offer complementary skills that will benefit both parties in obtaining particular established
goals. While achieving this type of synergy, the two companies must create an inter-organizational alliance
team. However, with combined efforts and a positive mindset, it is still inevitable that problems will arise at
some point (Dyer, Dyer, & Dyer, 2013).

Research indicates that possible alliance failure could result from the following:

• incompatible partner failure,

• a difference in culture,

• poor alliance leadership, and

• poor integration processes.

However, one of the most common reasons for failure is because of the leader’s inability to manage the
alliance team effectively (Dyer et al., 2013).

An alliance team offers many benefits to a company. Yet, it is different from an internal team in several ways.
Some common differences include the following: (a) cultural clashes, (b) a lack of trust, (c) a lack of control
over decision-making, and (d) team expertise duplication. A due diligence team is needed to evaluate the
other partner’s assets, resources, processes, and organizational culture (Dyer et al., 2013).

“During the cultural assessment, the team examines the potential partner’s corporate values and
expectations” (Dyer et al, 2013, p. 252). It also explores its organizational structure, reward systems and
incentives, leadership styles and decision-making processes, human interaction patterns, work practices,
history of partnerships, and human resource management practices. Ultimately, it is easier to identify potential
areas of conflict if leaders and members understand the potential differences in corporate values,
organizational structure, decision-making and leadership styles, and practiced reward systems. For example,
even though colleges around the world are thought to offer education at its finest with the same goals in mind,
they are all very different in the way they approach certain aspects of their mission (Dyer et al., 2013).


Managing Inter-Organizational Alliance
Teams More Effectively for the Future

LDR 4303, Team Building and Leadership 2



It has been proven that team members will work better together if they clearly recognize what factors might
throw the team off track. Often, strategic futures exercises are performed to ensure that the team understands
exactly what objectives are key goals for the team. Common key barriers to teams reaching their goals are
usually found in technological and regulatory challenges, marketing and distribution challenges, or
relationship indifferences (Dyer et al., 2013).

When communicating, the team must decide which form of exchange will be utilized. For instance, some
members may opt to email while others may prefer voice mail, videoconferencing, electronic data exchange,
or a type of meeting (either face-to-face or through an online method). Basically, alliance teams are becoming
an important part of the business landscape, and organizations will have a distinct advantage in the
workplace if they learn how to manage teams effectively (Dyer et al., 2013).

All teams will face challenges. Yet, it is important that leaders understand what key factors must be
considered when building a team that is expected to excel in today’s competitive market. For instance,
leaders must identify what tasks are to be completed and by whom. They must emphasize team membership
for accomplishing organizational goals. Also, they must encourage positive relationships throughout the
working of teams. Members must be trained and competent in their work performances. They must also be
rewarded for the completion of their tasks and a job well done. Team-building activities should be
incorporated regularly. In addition, an ample amount of resources, support, and evaluations should also be

Research indicates that educators must be trained in team learning and development, and they should allow
students to develop team skills and have a positive attitude through team experiences. Families and
educators should prepare future generations to work effectively in teams. Basically, the key aspects for
building effective virtual and alliance teams is found in building trust, promoting effective means of
communication, enhancing problem-solving techniques, and finding incentives that will motivate team
members to work more productively and efficiently together.


Dyer, W. G. Jr., Dyer, J. H. & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team

performance (5th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

Suggested Reading

The global nature of business has created a demand for virtual teams. The effectiveness of virtual teams can
have an impact on an organization, so optimizing the effectiveness of virtual teams is advantageous.

Please use the Business Source Ultimate database in the CSU Online Library to read the following article that
shares some insight on enhancing virtual teams.

Berry, G. R. (2011). Enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams. Journal of Business Communication, 48(2),



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