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 See upload Articles and Discussion Board The discussion board is how class participation will be graded

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Articles and Discussion Board

The discussion board is how class participation will be graded and is worth 30-percent of the overall grade. The grade is comprised of your post AND responding to the post of at least two other classmates. This assignment requires that you submit a brief (1-page, word processed) summary of material that you have found related to health psychology. Be sure to include; 1) an overview of the major points discussed in the article/story/program, and 2) your reaction to the ideas presented. You should post your summary on the Discussion Forum under the appropriate week. To do this, click on the communication tab, discussion forum, and then the appropriate week. Be sure to start a new thread with your name attached so that your classmates can make comments under that thread. The purpose of the assignment is to become more aware of different aspects of how health psychology is applied in practice. Information can be found in journal articles, news programs, newspapers, television programs and Internet sites. The idea behind the assignment is to find interesting information that you can share with your classmates. Article summaries are due each Wednesday. Any material received after the due date WILL NOT BE COUNTED.


Weekly Papers

This assignment shows your ability to conduct research and combine information from multiple sources into a single smooth and flowing paper. You should use at least 3 sources, of which your text may be one. The weekly papers will count 30% of the overall grade for the course. This assignment requires that you submit a 2-3-page word-processed paper discussing the assigned material for the week. THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE TURN-IT-IN SYSTEM. Material for this assignment can be found in textbooks on Psychological Testing or Assessment, scientific journal articles, popular magazines and/or newspapers, and Internet sources. No specific number of sources is required, but a single source will be reflected in your grade. Be sure to list your sources so that others can go there for information. You should submit your paper on the Turn It In link for the appropriate week. To do this, click on the Assignments tab, click on the appropriate week, and then the submit/review button. You either upload your assignment or paste it into the box provided. Any paper received after the due date WILL NOT BE COUNTED.


For each week, there are three assignments. 1) the article review, 2) Responding to at least two peers (together worth 30%), and 3) Submitting your weekly topic research paper (worth 30%). Please submit your article review by Wednesday of each week to allow your fellow classmates time to review and comment. All written assignments are due Friday night at midnight.



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