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Sidney has recently been missing work. She tends to call in at the last minute, and there seems to be a pattern developing of Mondays and Fridays. Sidney has

Sidney has recently been missing work. She tends to call in at the last minute, and
there seems to be a pattern developing of Mondays and Fridays. Sidney has been in

rehabilitation in the past for alcohol abuse. You need to talk to Sidney.

1. Should Sidney be addressed about her attendance? Why or why not?

2. As a manager, should you address the substance abuse issue with Sidney? Why

or why not?
3. Why is it important not to assume that substance abuse is not Sidney’s reason

for being absent?

4. As a recovering alcoholic, could Sidney be protected by the American with
Disabilities Act?

5. As an HR manager, what needs to be in place at your organization concerning

potential concerns like Sidney?

1 page and use 1 in-site citation to back up you answer

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