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   The goals for this assignment are to:Give you practice in identifying a question for consultation and summarizing important case information. Gain


The goals for this assignment are to:

  1. Give you practice in identifying a question for consultation and summarizing important case information.
  2. Gain practice in presenting to a “team”.
  3. Give and receive feedback on work with clients.

Select a case (i.e. individual, family, group, or community) from your field placement and identify a particular practice issue relevant to this client(s). 

Complete the Case Outline below. This provides a brief discussion of the client and the issue to be discussed. Recognize that you are not being asked to present everything you know about the case but rather to provide just enough information to allow your classmates to understand the key issue that you are requesting help with. You will need to be quite succinct and highlight only the critical issues. 

Use this as an opportunity to practice gathering your thoughts, framing clearly where you would like help in becoming more effective, and in being open to other perspectives and ideas. Let this mirror the kind of process that routinely happens after graduation, informally amongst peers as well as more formally in team meetings and peer supervision.

Case Outline

  1. Field agency context for the case:
  2. General Client information: Disguised name, age, gender, ethnicity, etc.:
  3. Diversity issues that need to be considered while working with this client:
  4. Broad account of the reason why this client(s) is      receiving services:
  5. Contract and case goals for this client:
  6. At what specific point in the helping process (engagement, assessment, intervention, etc.) are you with this client?
  7. Specific issues that you are addressing now with this client:
  8. Specific goal(s) that you are attempting to help your client attain with the current intervention (list bulleted items):
  9. Specific interventions you have tried (list bulleted items):
  10. Problems or dilemmas that you are facing with this client:
  11. Termination parameters as related to this client at this time.
  12. Specific question(s) that you would like the class to address.

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