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What do you know about analyzing data?Week 7 Project 2 (INFO, materials, & prompt) Competencies In this project, you will

What do you know about analyzing data?

Week 7 Project 2 (INFO, materials, & prompt)


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

· Interpret psychological data using quantitative and qualitative methods

· Apply the principles of statistical methods to inform a research problem


You work for a market research company that supplies information for political non-profit organizations throughout the nation. A number of your clients are interested in the public perception around policies about sexual orientation and political opinions and ideologies.

In your milestone assignment, you selected one of the following research topics. You will use your selected research topic and the relevant data set provided in your Soomo webtext to support your analysis. Then you will summarize your analysis in a brief report.

Research Questions

1. Are there differences in the average agreement with gay individuals having the right to marry one another among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?

2. Are there differences in the average feelings of warmth toward liberals among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?

3. Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward liberals and beliefs regarding gay persons’ right to marry one another?

4. Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward conservatives and beliefs regarding gay persons’ right to marry one another?


For this project, you will submit an analysis report summary, which is an APA-style write-up. You will complete your summary using your Soomo writing template and the data set provided in Soomo.

Your first step is to perform the inferential test you selected in your Project Two Milestone using the appropriate data set provided in Soomo. Then you will complete the APA write-up for that inferential test using your Soomo writing template. The Module Four Activity: ANOVA Quiz and Module Five Activity: Regression Quiz have prepared you for this project.

To submit your output as part of your Soomo writing template, you can use this resource: 
Create a picture from cells, a chart, or an object in Excel.

Refer to your exemplar to ensure that you format your write-up appropriately. You must address the following rubric criteria:

Analysis Report Summary

1. Select and report the 
inferential statistical test contextualized in the research question.

2. Provide the 
alpha value and use it to determine the significance of your test.

3. Report the 
results in APA format, including statistic value with degree of freedom, 
value, and effect size.

4. Report the values necessary to interpret the findings and identify the 
pattern of relationship(for example, slope for regression and means for ANOVA).

5. Connect the statistical findings back to the 
research question and conceptual variables.

6. Propose an 
actionable item that uses the results of your findings relevant to the research question.

7. Provide the 
output from your data analysis (using the Analysis ToolPak) as a screenshot or picture.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Analysis Report Summary
You will use your Soomo writing template to complete the project and download it for submission. Your analysis report summary must be 100 to 250 words and include the required image of your output.

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