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Formal Outline Example Title: VegetarianismCentral idea: The benefits of a vegetarian diet are worth changing your eating habits for.Specific

Formal Outline Example

Title: Vegetarianism

Central idea: The benefits of a vegetarian diet are worth changing your eating habits for.

Specific purpose: To persuade the class of the value of a vegetarian diet.


I. We eat meat in a variety of ways, meat that is loaded with chemicals. These chemicals enter our

bodies upon consumption and may lead to serious health problems.

II. Meat saps more energy than it imparts. It is very difficult to digest; meat stays in the stomach up

to six hours and stays an additional four days in the intestines before leaving the body. The

sources utilized for this presentation comes from Hartbarger and Hartbarger, The Vegetarian

Handbook by Null and Vegetarianism and Veganism by Newton.

III. Today, I want to convince you how important it is to omit meat from your diet and to influence

you to think seriously of turning to a vegetarian diet.


I. Currently, the American Meat Institute promotes a slogan, “Real Food for Real People.”

A. These ads do not state that this real food and other meat products are laden with


1. There are approximately 2,000 different drugs and chemicals that are

administered to livestock and poultry.

2. The residue from these drugs remains in the animal’s flesh and is

consumed by


B. There is strong evidence as to the health risks associated with excessive meat


1. Saturated fats and cholesterol found in meats have been linked to breast

and colon cancer and can contribute to hardening of the arteries and heart


2. Meat that is contaminated with toxins can have a negative, long-term

effect on

health, emotions and physical stamina.

II. Currently, there are fourteen million vegetarians in the United States. According to Null

(1996) “throughout most of the world, vegetarianism is the rule, not the exception. Over

three-quarters of a billion people follow vegetarian diet” (p.4).

A. A lot of people think being a vegetarian means a life-sentence of brown rice and


1. This is a boring image. The word vegetarian comes from the Latin word

vegetare meaning “to enliven.”

2. Vegetarianism is a health-enhancing approach to diet and life. A vegetarian

abstains from flesh of warm-blooded animals.

Commented [DC1]: This is your credibility statement and

MUST be in every outline and also in your introduction

when you give your speech

Commented [DC2]: Thesis statement

Commented [DC3]: Direct quote cited properly in APA


B. There is more than one way to be a vegetarian.

1. Total vegetarians – thrives solely on plant food.

2. Vegans – have total commitment to vegetarianism.

3. Lacto-vegetarians – includes milk in their diet along with plant foods.

4. Pesco-vegetarians – consumes fish along with vegetables.

III. By altering your eating habits and eliminating meat from your diet you benefit in many


A. Morality from coronary artery disease is lower in vegetarians; vegetarians

maintain lower weight and have increased physical stamina.

B. Consequently, vegetarians that adopt this form of eating reduce the chances of

contracting many of the diseases that afflict our society.

IV. Currently, more and more people are turning to a wholesome and natural diet.

A. People are becoming better educated, more concerned as to what goes into their


and the effects that food has on their appearance and health.

B. A vegetarian diet can and does provide protein, minerals, and vitamins.


I. Today, I have given you many reasons why I feel it is important for you to abstain from

meat and incorporate a vegetarian diet into you eating habits.

II. By abstaining from meat you not only increase your chances of living your life free from

the many diseases humans inflict on themselves but also a life style that increases your

awareness of your body.

III. A vegetarian diet gives you the opportunity to give your body the best nutrition that

humankind was intended to have. Our bodies were designed to consume organic foods in

a natural state. The choice is yours.


Hartbarger, J., & Hartbarger, N. (1981). Eating for the eighties. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders


Newton, D.E. (2019). Vegetarianism and veganism: a reference handbook (contemporary world

issues). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CILLO LLC.

Null, G. (1996). The vegetarian handbook. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Commented [DC4]: Title is References only NOT works

cited, not bibliography – please refer to your APA reference

guide in your content D2L folder

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